
Keyword Search Volume Checker

Search Volume comparison My new search volume checker tool below answers that simple yet elusive question, “Which phrase gets more searches on Google, ‘phrase A’ or ‘phrase B’?

Google used to offer the ability to get search volume for a specific set of phrases in the old Adwords Keyword tool, but they got rid of it entirely back in 2012.

Remember there USED to be a box you could uncheck in the old tool, that would let you remove Google’s added suggestions?

It was called “USE SYNONYMS” –

Old Google Keyword Tool RIP

Sadly, you can’t do that anymore in the Google Keyword Planner which appends hundreds, or even thousands of additional keywords to your queries..

We’ve used our own licensed access to the SEMrush API, giving you their figures on Google’s Global monthly volume for a set of phrases.

To se this, enter words or phrases separated by a comma,with,NO,SPACES.

(Maximum 250 characters.)


This second tool below, was actually our first development, giving exactly what Google took away – the DAILY count – Called the “Exact Global Daily Search Volume”.

spyfu logoThis does use the API from my own Spyfu account, but you can use it for up to 25 phrases or so in the box below.

If you need more than that, or want more than just simple counts, you can get your own Spyfu account here.


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