
Media Worksheet

By “Media Worksheet” I don’t necessarily mean the press, I mean multimedia, ad details, headlines, perhaps videos, etc.

What we want here are clear and succinct statements to help promote individual aspects of your business, product or services.

For each question below, write at least three bullet points or one sentence answers that can stand on their own, and not just a three sentence paragraph. There are plenty of fields for additional ideas, but please add at least three, and there’s unlimited space at the bottom. Please, knock yourself out…

Picture these answers appearing as a graphic on a page, or coming up as a statement on a slide during a video, or even as bullet point on a billboard. Imagine yourself hearing these phrases spoken aloud, and you might even read them aloud to yourself before submitting. Is it “natural sounding” language?

You’ve heard of an “elevator speech”? Think of this the same way, but to different people on on separate floors, just as the doors are closing! Imagine that 3 seconds is all you have to make your entire statement verbally.  You should also try out my Elevator Speech Builder tool.

  • What makes your XYZ different than theirs?

  • Why might someone pay MORE for your XYZ?

  • Why might someone pay LESS your XYZ?

  • Why should someone choose your XYZ over theirs?

  • Why is your XYZ BETTER than theirs?

  • What is UNIQUE about your XYZ?

  • Tell Us More

    Your brain should be bubbling with ideas by now, and I hope you get the point. Perhaps what's available above isn't enough room?

    Use as much space as you want below, and if you have multiple products or services, then list bullet points for each.

    For example, I might list five bullet points for "local search marketing" or five for "web hosting" etc. Take all the space you need, and we'll take it from there...
  • Please Send Us Files

    We need images from you. If you have more than we can grab from your website, then please upload them here.

    We'll need a zipped batch of original images that you own, meaning you have either taken them yourself, or had them taken for you by a photographer.

    We would like both interior and exterior images of your business, as well as any physical signage. For multiple location businesses, please make sure the images are named correctly identify each location, such as "Memphis-front-desk.jpg.

    If they're not already on your website, please include images of employees too, along with their names and titles, as well as images of any products, company logos, and other relevant photos too. It's a visual world, so please give us plenty to work with.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.

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