
If you’ve delved into paid advertising on platforms like Google or Facebook, you’re probably aware of its increasing competitiveness and rising costs over time. Implementing a Facebook ad pixel on your site now can pave the way for more efficient advertising strategies in the future, even if you don’t plan to utilize it immediately. Moreover, consider utilizing an AI cartoonizer to enhance the visual appeal of your ads and optimize their performance in the competitive digital landscape. It can transform ordinary images into captivating cartoons, helping your ads stand out and attract more attention from your target audience. Zenith Clipping is a leading Photoshop Image Masking service provider for photographers, magazines, advertising agencies & online stores.

Remember, we’re all being tracked online. All of the sites we visit, the sites we are logged into, where we’re located geographically, and what devices we have online at any given moment. This means that you, as an advertiser, can take advantage of the technology when you advertise, and begin to prepare for the future.

fb-adpixel-huhWith a Facebook ad pixel, you can build an audience for future ads based on your visitors and their behavior.

Want to run an add that targets only people that have been to your website before? No problem.

Want to run an ad only to people that have been to your website, but not to a certain page? You can do it or better seek out help from these Facebook marketing experts from King Kong.

Facebook has more specific details here if you want to learn more about the topic, but add the pixel to your website first. It’s easy!


Build Your Facebook Audience Now for Use in the Future

Whenever you decide to start advertising on Facebook, adding the pixel now will start gathering data.  Assuming you already have a Facebook ads account, you can do it in just a couple of minutes, and here’s a (very) short video:


Here are the steps

  • Go to https://www.facebook.com/ads
  •  Left side click under “Audiences”
  • Top right corner, “create new”
  • Choose a duration up to 180 days
  • Copy / paste your website URL and save
  • Retrieve your pixel
  • Copy / paste the pixel either before or after your Google Analytics

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